In that union only, we find peace and health. This is what Yoga means by Union-Union with all that seems to be different than ourselves. We understand that you might come from a different spiritual background, but please try to take this as an opportunity for you to understand the concept of Unity in Diversity, and open yourself to other ways of finding union with God, whether you call it Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Mohamed, Guru, Divine Mother, etc. The Yogic approach to spirituality is very tolerant of cultural differences and respectful of traditions. The names or forms are many but God is one.

This is why it is said, “the paths are many, but the Truth is one”. Our expressions in daily life-and even more, our expressions in spiritual life-differ from each other and are unique. The different gods represent the different manifestations of the same Supreme Reality. Every one of us resonates on a subtle level with a certain vibration and everyone in reality is divine, but we forget ourselves, and chanting the names of God links us with our true divine nature. Though they are Hindu gods, they are not only for Hindus, but represent the subliminal spiritual archetypes within our minds and personalities. The Sivananda Daily Chants invoke the main aspects of divinity which are in the universe and within us. It is a devotional, intuitive approach to meditation and not an intellectual one.

Eventually you will pick up the chants, and develop a liking for particular chants that correspond to your own inner vibration. Don’t worry that it is in Sanskrit or that it is culturally foreign or that you are not a good singer and you don’t have a good voice. It may be best for you to buy the Kirtan book and CD so that you can bring it home and listen to it daily. Beginners can follow along in the Kirtan book, but the book needs to be held so that you can sit erect and connect to the breath. To learn to chant, you need only close your eyes, and practice following the sounds, without worrying about how you sound. The musical instruments generally used are the harmonium, tablas, tambourines, and other percussion. The Sivananda Organization uses the method of call and response, where the leader of the kirtan chants first and the rest of the group follows out loud. They are in the Sanskrit language which is the language of the Gods, a universal language with pure vibrations corresponding to the vibrations of our chakras, our vital, subtle energy centers. These kirtans are very old chants composed of mantras which have been given to us by sages and saints. We need to open our heart daily to the Supreme so that we can live in peace and compassion with all. We need to chant to express our devotion to something higher than ourselves to open our heart. It is not about our ego or our self, but it is about chanting the name and the glories of God. So, it is important that we chant so that we can benefit from this powerful healing energy. The mantras are mystical universal sounds that resonate with our chakras and remove negative energies. It is the fastest, easiest and most joyful way to achieve peace of mind. Chanting kirtan is a devotional practice that helps to uplift the mind, open the heart and bring inner peace.